Thursday, May 24, 2007


After a long wait Peanut's idenity has been revealed! Peanut will forever be known as Amanda! Yes it is true...the Thibaults are having another girl! Looks like the winners of our poll are Nana, the Mama, and Uncle Gord! Amanda, "Mandy" is absolutely beautiful! She was a wasn't until 3 minutes before we left that she revealed her idenity but I had a good talking to her when I walked to get her moving! Her heart was strong and we could see the four chambers. All of her parts were there and she is measuring exactly where she is supose to be! We are relieved and excited about our new little girl! More pictures to come....but I thought I wouldn't keep you all waiting for any longer.


Anonymous said...

Very cool! I'm so glad for you!:-)

Anonymous said...

So you aren't picking names that are the same as your first 2 girls this time? Why not have all your girls have different names from the same root ( Like Molly & Katie)...Just Kidding, Mandy will like being different.

Anonymous said...

You guys make such beautiful girls.

Anonymous said...

Amanda is beautiful!!! Congrats to you!!

Jenn Knowlton said...

congrats !!!!
instead of my three sons you guys are my three daughters. LOL

Anonymous said...

Ok I'm done freeking out. Looks like I'm going to need a gun to keep clean when they bring over their boyfriends;)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, I'm rejoicing with you! I've been wrong about my guesses for so many babies so far!

Cheryl said...

Congratulations! I'm glad to hear all is well. Can't wait to meet little Mandy. I'm most certain now that we will be having a boy!

Welcome to Let It Unfold

Welcome to Let It Unfold
February 2007