Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Wave Has Subsided

All I have to say is thank God for my doctor! She is so what I need! I had an appointment today and she walked in and said, "whatever you heard the 25th disregard!" She proceeded to tell me that her colleagues were more conservative than she is and felt there was no reason for me to be on bedrest any longer. She put a few restrictions still but all very small. My doctor seems to think that I have 90% chance of the placenta rising and not causing any problem. Mandy sounded great and Katie was there to hear the heartbeat...boy did she think that was neat! What a relief! So I am now feeling less stressed and am insisting that I enjoy this pregnancy! I need to not deprive myself of feeling the joy that God has blessed us with.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Our house hold has experienced a tiny wave in the past couple of days. I have found out I have placenta previa and they want me on bedrest. It has taken our wind out of our sails a bit because I have been feeling so great I really didn't want to stop and take a rest. But, apparently I have to, which can be rather frustrating. I am talking to my doctor tomorrow and will find out how long term this will be. I have talked to various people that have had placenta previa and they have had comforting words and have been an encouragement. It's nice to know that someone else has been through it and has been successful. It's just another bump in the road which I am optimistic we will weather.

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Amanda was constantly going back to playing peek-a-boo with her hands across her face, it was very cute. In the other picture of course she was showing off her little foot. Her video tape had a great picture of both of them next to one another neatly. We are very excited about her arrival but we are patiently waiting.


After a long wait Peanut's idenity has been revealed! Peanut will forever be known as Amanda! Yes it is true...the Thibaults are having another girl! Looks like the winners of our poll are Nana, the Mama, and Uncle Gord! Amanda, "Mandy" is absolutely beautiful! She was a wasn't until 3 minutes before we left that she revealed her idenity but I had a good talking to her when I walked to get her moving! Her heart was strong and we could see the four chambers. All of her parts were there and she is measuring exactly where she is supose to be! We are relieved and excited about our new little girl! More pictures to come....but I thought I wouldn't keep you all waiting for any longer.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

What an Emotional Week So Far!

It is hard to believe that I am 18 1/2 weeks pregnant. It doesn't seem real to me but in the same sense it does. I think after five miscariages I have learned defense mechanisms. It is hard to not believe anymore because it is apparent their is something kicking me lately and it is not my husband while we are sleeping. Peanut has been very active the last couple of days and whenever I have a moment where I think there is something wrong he/she will wiggle and kick. What an incredible blessing! You would think that this is my first pregnancy! I cry over everything! The baby hiccuped for the first time yesterday and I got teary eyed because it will not be the last time he will hiccup. Soon he will hiccup air and have an absolutely adorable sound while he/she will be doing it. I cry when I read on a website I frequent, that he/she is 6 inches long, is starting grow hair and is swallowing. I think of all the pavement he/she's little legs will travel and what kinds of foods he/she will be swallowing. The funniest yet was today my friend Cathy came over and brought the baby swing I was buying from her and I looked at it in my living room and got teary eyed just imagining a small little baby rocking in that swing and I couldn't imagine that I could have third different personality in my children. Every little step feels new and I cannot wait to stop calling peanut he/she. I am excited for my ultrasound but a little anxious about the health of the baby. I have to put that aside and remember to trust. I am grateful for the opportunity God has given me to have a feeling of innocence of pregnancy instead of constant worry....which I could have easily done. I am grateful that after all we have been through he has blessed us abundantly over and over.


It finally came out! Praise God! For the last month Molly has had a wiggly front tooth and the last couple of weeks it was rather deformed. Finally at school, her friend told her she should just twist and pull! She came home and proudly showed off her little baby tooth. I could not help but remember when that little tooth came in! I was so excited and noticed quickly how it changed her face and smile! Now we are in the next stage of big teeth for a tiny head. She'll be so cute! I can't wait for her grown up smile. But I have to is bittersweet that she has a tooth coming that will be with her for a long time!


Last Saturday night we had our first fire of the summer/spring. Katie had her first smore and decided she didn't like the marshmallows. (even though you can see that she didn't mind them enough that it was in her mouth) The girls were very good about sitting on the swing and not getting up without asking due to us sitting close to the fire. Fire saftey was number one according to Molly! Molly of course thought the highlight of the evening was the endless smores she thought she was going to have and Katie liked just the chocolate and crackers! Mommy liked all of them very much! Hmmm! Mommy loves to be pregnant sometimes!


Molly and Katie don't always get a long. With their ages being spread appart it makes it difficult. Molly doesn't always understand a three year old and their instability and impulsiveness and Katie wants to do whatever Molly wants to do. So they conflict. Yet, if I seperate them...oh boy watch come the tears! They hate to be appart. Often I find them giggling away like I did in these pictures on our back swing. Then I see a light and realize just how wonderful it is be sisters!


When I was a little girl I always wanted my dad to build me a beam! I loved gymnastics and I swore if I had a daughter if my husband wouldn't build it I would! I luckly was blessed with a very handy hubby! He had been saying for a year he wanted to build Molly and Katie their beam. Finally he came home from Home Depot one day and built it with Molly! She helped with the whole thing! Of course we had to try it out immediately after. Molly tried cartwheels and Katie attempted her moves as well! They spent close to an hour on it. It's a little hard for sommersaults though. Look out Olympics 2016 and 2020 the Thibaults are on their way!


For Mother's Day I had the best gift given! The girls brought me breakfast in bed and three flower points with seeds to plant, very cool! Of course Katie got me a springy snowman that was really hers but mine for the day. LOL. Mark said he would thoroughly weed my gardens, since I am pregnant. If any of you know my yard and garden's it's not exactly small. He stayed out there for close to four hours and did a tremendous job! Yeah for Mark! It was the best Mother's Day ever. I hated seeing all of those weeds overtaking my garden. Woo Hoo!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Sunday, May 13, 2007


The anticipation and joy
Is really fun to share
We only know one thing
That Peanut's not a pair.
So as the week goes by
As excitement grows and grows
We need to have some guesses
Because God only knows.
So add to the comments
If it's a girl or boy
And we will post after 24th
And share with you our joy!

Friday, May 11, 2007

What a Week

This week turned out to be busy and quite interesting. As most of you know, Katie has been suffering again with asthma. She has also been breaking out in hives. Needless to say, we think she might have a food alergy. Tuesday we had scheduled a skin test for allergies and after our doctor scared my daughter to death she refused the test. I was irritated with the doctor because he didn't need to explain everything to my three year old. So we took some blood to test what we thought might be the allergy. We will see sometime next week what the outcome is with that. Molly will be taking 2 days a week of gymnastics in the summer to see how she does. She is close to moving up to Pre-team she just needs to mature a little...we know she is not quite ready for that committment. The baby seems to be okay. I am a little nervous because I am not feeling significant, consistant movement so it's a little unnerving but my ultrasound is scheduled for May 24th so we will see who "Peanut" is.

I am Just Like Daddy!

Mark and I were talking and in walked Katie in Daddy's coat and work boots. She was very proud of herself. She said she was just like Daddy and she was off to work!

"Would you Like Fries With That?"

Katie and Daddy played for hours in the backyard with the McDonalds playhouse and all of the old Fisher Price Little People. Katie was the worker and Daddy was the costumer.

"Oh What a Night"

Molly and I went to the Mother/Daughter Banquet for her Brownie Troop. In the picture here she is dancing away with her friend. They were dancing to her favorite song, which everyone seems to be lately. We had chicken, mashed potatoes, corn and of course brownies for desert. We danced together, which was interesting considering I have little energy, but it was a lot of fun. It was really neat seeing Molly act like a young lady instead of my baby. She was a miniture me dancing with her friends and screaming whenever a song she liked came on. What a grown up girl. While she was dancing one of her friends bumped her in the chin and knocked out her loose tooth. Molly was hurt, she was excited. She said it wss the best night of her life! Cause she lost her tooth. That night she left her tooth out for the tooth fairy and she proudly woke up at 6:30 am and showed me her .50!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Why Won't It Catch?

Katie was insistant that the tree should play ball with her. She kept talking to it such luck. She did like the shade though.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Molly's a Star!

Last night Molly had her first concert at school. She was so proud that she was going to sing and couldn't wait for me to be there. Some of the songs they sang were B-I-N-G-O, Aardvark, Hip Hop Bunny, Happy Hippopodomus, and Chimpanzee. All of the first grade classes sung so well and they were all so proud. Molly remembered all of the words and motions. How fun.

Update on Peanut

Yesterday I went to the OB and had my visit. She checked the heartbeat and it was strong. I am now 15 weeks and 4 days. I cannot believe I am as far along as that. In two and a half weeks from now we will no longer need to call peanut peanut. It will have a name....we can't wait!

Welcome to Let It Unfold

Welcome to Let It Unfold
February 2007