My newest pursuit to earn some money, while having fun is painting growth charts. Yes, my friend Sally has me "almost" convinced to sell my charts on ebay. We'll see. They are fun to make though I must say. So, while I was taking a picture of one of my growth charts of course Katie had to take a picture and she really hammed it up! Katie has been so hilarious lately, she has been such a joy to be around. Everything is silly and exciting and she beams her winning smile for no other reason but because you may have looked her direction. Last week, Katie slipped on the bottom step and hit her head on the corner of the wall. 1 trip to the ER and 1 staple later, she proved herself to be a trooper. She barely cried and even though she was scared to death of the CAT scan, she pretended she was a astronaut on a spaceship. This last Friday she had her staple removed and cried very little. What strong little lady she is becoming.
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