Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Yesterday, I felt so old. I felt like I had a 55 year medical history when I only have a 33. I didn't realize how much medically I had been through in my short life until I went to a new endocronologist and laid out my history in detail. Wow! It makes you think eh? I also went to the dietian and nurse regarding my gestational diabetes and that was "fun." I love poking my finger! It's a little nerve racking and I am worried that I will end up with either a ceseran or having to be induced, both of which I have been praying not to have to do. But...I just want Mandy to be healthy that's the most important thing, not how she comes out. The good news is that my blood sugar came back great all day, except for the McDonalds I had to get on the way inbetween appointments. Just a word of advice, McDonalds really shoots up your blood sugar!!!! Wow! All of you should see the documentary on HBO called, "Super Sized." It is very true! And I just had what the dietian said I could did not have a big meal!

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Welcome to Let It Unfold

Welcome to Let It Unfold
February 2007