Katie just turned 3 January 1st. She is no longer a baby. She speaks very well and even though she doesn't recgonize all of her letters she knows the sounds pretty well. As you can tell in her picture she loves Mickey Mouse. We have watched thousands upon thousands of "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" episodes until we can no longer sing the theme song anymore. She had suffered with asthma for the first two years of her life and kidney reflux but amazingly she has been asthma free for a year now and her kidney reflux has improved to almost normal. She is very particular and has to have order in her life. She is my neat kid and doesn't like messy things especially herself. Katie is a joy and prays for organges, apples, teddy and thanks God for her "neck." (I guess that is an important body part). Katie is in gymnastics and loves it. She has no fear so either gymnastics is going to save her life so when she is a daredevil she is safe or give her more confidence to do more daring things. We shall see.
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