Thursday, September 20, 2007

Update on Mandy

The latest news on Mandy. I went to the doctor yesterday and she checked me and I am progressing. I am only dilated to 1 1/2 but she said I am pretty soft. Basically she said to prepare for next week. The contractions have subsided a little but last night they were pretty intense, but were not in a pattern. My doctor keeps saying I am going to go early, but ya know, I wonder. This will be the time that I go 4o weeks. Please just hope and pray that Mandy doesn't make an appearance until after Sunday night of this week. Monday would be good. I will be into my 36 week. Otherwise anytime after that is fine too. We are very excited that it is getting close. It is amazing that it has gone so fast. Soon there will be a little baby in the Thibault household.


Anonymous said...

If Mandy wants to come the the Melting Pot with us she will have to wait until sometime after that to make her grand entrance into this world.

Anonymous said...

Hey JJ If she arrives on September 29th that is my Grandmothers birthday. Good LUCK Valerie

Welcome to Let It Unfold

Welcome to Let It Unfold
February 2007